WHYY Visual Storytelling Basics for the Classroom
My Life Would Have Been Different...
I received an educator’s scholarship to attend a six hour learning session using IMovie to tell compelling and digitalized stories
My Life Would Have Been Different...
I received an educator’s scholarship to attend a six hour learning session using IMovie to tell compelling and digitalized stories
My life would have been different had I not attended
college because my seventeen year old self would have missed many possibilities
to arise from the ashes of life and become meaningful in the lives of children
I could not have grown to be this beautiful, intelligent, and secured woman
My ambition to work with and on behalf of all children would have diminished.
Had I not gone to college, the skill sets that I have obtained, which allows me to ignite the joy of reading in all children, would have been an empty scope
I would have missed out on many accolades and appreciations for my efforts, such as the letter from little four year old Chase, it shows gratitude for his weekly recommendations
At the end of the day, attending college helped to develop my self-worth, gave me a career that I love and, a home that I am proud of and can reflect from
I could not have grown to be this beautiful, intelligent, and secured woman
My ambition to work with and on behalf of all children would have diminished.
Had I not gone to college, the skill sets that I have obtained, which allows me to ignite the joy of reading in all children, would have been an empty scope
I would have missed out on many accolades and appreciations for my efforts, such as the letter from little four year old Chase, it shows gratitude for his weekly recommendations
At the end of the day, attending college helped to develop my self-worth, gave me a career that I love and, a home that I am proud of and can reflect from
As you will hear, it's not easy recording oneself.... several times I mistakenly went off script
Please click on link below to listen
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