Monday, October 20, 2014

The Republic Depleted Value for Education

I hate to say it but I called it back in the late 80's/ early 90's . I said because there appeared to be a severe depreciation for education, there might come a time when one might have to pay for it, just as those when  formal education first came into existence.  There was a social worker  who adamantly rebuked such a notion  saying that no one's constitutional right( it's the law) can be violated .What he failed to understand was, the constitution is a living document , therefore, laws can be "changed" or "amended". Basically, if  "We the People" aren't careful to regain the respect we once held for the institution of public/free education, there just might be a terrible diversion and education will  be only for those who can afford to pay for it. #education


  1. Only the have's will be able to afford education

    Yes I feel that with the push for more privatization of the schools.

    With the major cut backs on public education funding by congress

    With the changes in voting requirements

    With the continual exodus from the cities to the outskirts of the haves

    With the continual under appreciation and under payment of our public school teachers

    I am afraid that we appear to be moving in the direction of education being a privilege and not a right.

  2. Kelly,
    You have given keen points supporting what appears to be a threatening direction for public education.
    Your point of view is appreciated.
